The film takes place in a small suburban town. Life is very quaint and picturesque, the definition of perfection. The story follows a young girl named Violet, whose dreams are larger than life. She doesn't fit in to the cookie-cutter society. She is different in every way. Her intelligence exceeds all, but this also causes the townspeople to view her as mentally handicap. They see her intelligence and wild imagination as a disability rather than a gift. This perception of her allows the town to overlook her oddities. They let her dress and act however, because they feel that she is handicapped. But her differences allow her to question life and thrive for more. At 17, Violet makes a startling discovery while exploring, beyond her little town lies a barren wasteland. Her world is turned upside as all her hopes and dreams of leaving and making a new life for herself are destroyed. Now Violet must find a way to give her life meaning within the confinements of suburbia.
When creating my concept I wanted to keep it traditional with a twist. I referred to a little chart on how to create the perfect story. This helped me map out the storyI am very pleased with the end result and think it would make an excellent film. I'm excited to share my film opening and hope it does the concept justice!
Your blog is very well put together. Every post is focused on it's own unique topic and you do a great job at tying it all together in to one blog.
ReplyDeleteAn example is in this post here. As you explain your story idea, I can already picture a lot of it in my head. Also, you do a very good job at posting links and attachments such as the chart on this post and your storyboards as well. The chart you posted seems very helpful and it is something that I will definately refer to at some point. Good find! Also, I like all of the constant updates on certain details. For example, when you post the storyboards or the posting about the genre change, I feel as if I am included in your project due to the amount of detail you include in your postings.
Keep up the great work and I am looking forward to seeing some of your footage as well as the final product. Good luck with the rest of it!